2700 Monroeville Blvd.
Monroeville, PA 15146


We are here to help our Community


On behalf of The Monroeville Foundation, we are reaching out to all of you to offer you our continuing support during these difficult times.

How WE Can Help

We stand ready to support our Community in these trying times. Please utilize us as a vehicle to help those in need by sharing our website with those people and community organizations in need.

How YOU Can Help

The Monroeville Foundation has a goal of raising $5000 that will go directly for the support of those people and organizations in our community impacted by the Coronavirus.

We are all trying to adjust to the dynamics of dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the disruption to business and our personal lives. Please know that while we acknowledge that all public events have been temporarily suspended, we have full confidence that life and business will return to a (new) normal in the foreseeable future.

With this in mind we are continuing to plan for the Monroeville CommUNITY Day on July 25, the Monroeville Jazz Festival on August 15 and our Golf Outing on September 15.  With respect to all that our sponsors, supporters and friends that are currently facing with the Coronavirus epidemic, we are temporarily suspending our fund-raising efforts until further notice.

The (new) normal will require even greater support than ever to ensure we provide a safe and enjoyable environment for the attendees at each of these events. We sincerely hope that we can count on your continued participation and support for each of our events.

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